I created my postcards that were my response to the theme Health and an how artist Susan Sontag created a text piece called "Illness as a Metaphor" and so I chose to use this topic to make these designs based on my experience of illness and how it would look as a metaphor, being a postcard. I chose postcards to be the metaphor because they travel around places and countries like an illness or a disease can spread.
The left design was inspired but the physical disadvantages being unwell can have and I wanted to exaggerate this too show how I felt at my worst when being sick and how people can relate to things like the common cold or a worst case the flu.
The right design is more personal as it focuses internally and how sickness isn't always visible to people. I am struggling with nerve pain currently and it's effected me throughout this course. I wanted to show the nerves and connections overlapping the paint underneath showing that it can sometimes stop me from doing what I want and effect my performance and art production.
When making the postcards I used recycled card and lino designs, I would hand paint the card using acrylic paint, ink water colours and then print the lino design over the top the designs also represented how pain can effect my work production as the print covers the painting underneath. For making the lino designs I made the drawings in my sketchbook the traced them with tracing paper to then flipped the tracing paper drawing side down onto the lino drawing back over the lines on the other side using a carbon paper techniques were it prints the lead pencil copy onto the lino so I can cut it out.
For the painting aspect of the postcards I took inspirations for the pattern work of Yinka Shonibare in his textile models and also the abstract paintings of Joan Mitchell and how both artists have very florescent and bright colour pallets.