My project is investigating memory and nostalgia, how we link memories with items, locations and experiences. I wanted to build these little cottages/houses linking back to my childhood memories and how remembering them kept them important and sentimental to me. I also wanted to explore how this would give them purpose even though the object in memory doesn't have a physical form, is damaged in some way or beyond restoring. For me I remember the early stages of enjoying art and playing with my imagination I imagined that little people or creatures would live in the houses.
I'm using a stone based clay as I can paint coloured glazes onto them making them look more glossy and shiny once they have baked in the kiln, this also allows me to bake them a second time with out the glaze being ruined.
At first I found the clay difficult to mould into the shape I wanted so I found that making a solid body worked better compared to my first design that was hollow and didn't hold shape as well. This also made them more stable where I could add on more details and carve out parts for the windows and doors.