We looked at different representations of health for example what words does health make us thinks of. We looked Susan Sontag and her art called "Illness as a Metaphor" and how she talks there being a kingdom of well and a king of the sick and that we've all experience being ill, therefore having "dual citizenship" to both kingdoms.
We also looked at different diagnoses of diseases such as cancer and TB ( Tuberculosis) and how doctor in the past wouldn't tell the patient that they have it in order to shield them from the fears of the illness and reduce the suffering that comes with knowing about it. Also we looked at the comparisons between cancer and TB and how people would be disowned and isolated by their families as they thought cancer was contagious like TB.
They described these diseases like they were a battle or war that someone suffering from them is constantly fighting until they win or lose it, like its a parasite, invasion spreading throughout the body.
Lastly we looked at Johanna Hedva and her text piece called " Sick Women Theory" she sums it up to be " an identity and body that can belong to anyone denied the privileged existence" . We read through the different examples of this and discussed our thoughts on her text examples and how they made us feel and why.
In response to this for our approaches we did book making and described how our books were a metaphor for health. My book was based on my personal struggle with nerve pain and how injury isn't always visible to others and that the pain fluctuates each day resulting in some really painful days and others more mild.