I went to a talk learning about performance art by an artist called Sarah Blissett and she talked about a lot of interesting ways using performance in her projects and investigations I chose to make a post about some of the thing I gathered from it.
She works with Material Processes in Performance using methods such as creating instructions and fluxes as a starting point in her different projects.
She works with natural and organic materials, seaweed being the core natural form she explores. Also looking at different bodies of environments for gathering data.
Her project called "Curing with Kelp LIAF 2019" exploring methods of preservation with seaweed and how we as humans change and use it, and how we interconnect with different environments, species, languages and sciences through artistic process. Examples of curing she worked with dehydrating, drying, pickling and tasting, really involving herself in the data developing even more.
She goes into deeper depths looking a texture with social scientists and the locals in the areas she visited Dartmoor.
She went about gathering seaweed and data in an eco friendly way using a method of "Gathering, Harvesting, Foraging" collecting already discarded seaweed and also collecting plastic items, objects and dried out urchin shells.
Finishing the project with installation creating an immersive experience for example, she collaborated with artists creating seaweed gloves inspiring touch and texture. Creating a seaweed helmet where the viewer is surrounded by seaweed curtains taking in the form, colour and smell up close. This included audio adding another sense to the experience.
(Images from Kelp Curing — Sarah Blissett)