We looked at how women are sexualised in different industries for example the "male gaze" and how its represented in film, we read a writing piece by Laura Mulvey and how she talks about John Berger's book called Ways of seeing, it talks about visual pleasure and how its present in visual entertainment.
We also looked at artist Claudette Johnson and how her art shows the effects the naked body has on women of colour. She goes on to say how in the past in the slavery women of colour weren't allowed ownership to their own bodies and how that effects our knowledge about it in current time.
In our interdisciplinary approach we used autoethnography using our lived experience to respond to this using performance writing. We picked a piece of text from our art reading and responded to it in different forms based on our thoughts, memory and experience. In my response I wanted to show the different between male and female expectations through profile and film and how women have to fit into these standards, to gain popularity and class where as that men aren't expected too in comparison, I created some sketches to visually represent this.