For this theme we looked at how artist Ilya Kabakov and his artwork called " The Palace of Projects" where he made this spiral structure that had different items that the viewer could interact with, showing how he had lots of unfinished projects left. We talked about how it could also could be interpreted in a way of the internal thoughts of his mind and how we can visualise it physically.
Then looking at Thomas More and how he talked about Utopias and creating an ideal world where people are equal and there's no private property but he shares his thoughts on how it can't be sustained like that, because of people not wanting to live where everyone is the same level. He also said that people would want to make more more by selling property so to stop this they would have to input laws to prevent them.
We also read about people creating artificial land forms for example Agnes Dean's Tree Mountain and how she created her own land formation that also most looks futuristic, they are man-made not a form created but nature itself. Another artist Nils Norman and his traveling library show how the change in location can change how people interact with it. For example displaying it in a Museum can cause people to be more wary of touching it. Where as if it was displayed out in a public space people would see it a a communal sort of stool or a library where you trade books.